"Beauty only reveals itself through eyes that have wept"

These paintings are still lives of interiors, of decay, age, history in which windows and light play an important role, and in which I have processed memories, happy, dear and sad ones alike.

 As a child, I grew up in an artistic atmosphere - my father and his father before him being artisan woodworkers. They owned a local furniture store until my father's untimely death in 1974. 

For Saint Nicholas, Christmas and my birthday I would often receive homemade, wooden toys. My memories of this time are reflected in certain works (e.g. scents of wood) and in my collection 'Memories'.

 Not the photographically accurate representation of reality was important, but rather the impression, the atmosphere, the unspoken words

 Silent witnesses of impermanence, houses of preservation of precious memories which I cherish, and of painful moments from an inescapable past that still wound me to this very day.

Exit calligraphy

 After decades of teaching calligraphy in evening school for a mixed audience of young and old alike, rheumatoid arthritis forced Cobalus to lay down his sidejob as a calligraphist and his passion for calligraphy altogether. 

 Some of his earliest paintings are an undisbutable tribute to his foregone passion - as can be seen in his painting 'The Universe' below. 

 I don't mean to play the sympathy card by talking about ill health, but I simply can't deny the impact it has had on my life (and that of my loved ones) - from childhood until this very day.

 My story is deeply entwined with these setbacks, and my paintings also reflect that story.

"​All the variety, all the charm, all the beauty of life is made up of light and shadow"

- ​Leo Tolstoj

Medical history

 1. diagnosed with severe  Crohn's diseas at the age of 14
 2. diagnosed with prostate cancerin 2002
 3. diagnosed with kidney cancer in 2005 (R), 2006 (L) and 2009 (L+R)
 4. diagnosed with chronic leukemia in the same period
 5. many other  surgeries resulting from the above (gall bladder, intestines) 
 6. Diagnosed with skin cancer in 2015
 7. diagnosed with irreversible sight loss in 2020 following years of cortisone usage to combat  rheumatoid arthritis and the above ailments

 People are often amazed that I still find strength and see purpose and beauty in life, but I truly believe that these things become more transparant and tangible in light of those shadowy setbacks.

 I must admit that the loss of sight is the toughest blow so far. Most of my life revolved around visual arts, images, shapes and colors. Painting helped me through, but it is becoming increasingly difficult to paint, draw a straight line or an angle when each image is transformed, blurred, bent - with bits and pieces missing in the center. 

 But there is a silver lining here: I grow as a painter, one painting at a time - and my paintings grow with me, through light and shadow, one brushstroke at a time.

What's next?

Cobalus is currently trying to face this latest challenge by exploring new ways to pursue his passion for painting and creating visual 'art' (we did not use that word) in general.

Proceeds from the auction will be used largely to assist him on his mission. Thank you for taking an interest in his story and we hope to find you at one of our auctions!

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